Made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 53


In the Swiss Alps during the 1700s, St Bernard dogs were bred to be first respondents to find buried victims after an avalanche. They carried casks of Brandy around their necks that the survivors would drink for warmth while they waited for the dogs to return with rescuers. You play as a dog and a monk partnership delivering Brandy to survivors on the way home to get help, but something sinister awaits them...

Content Warning:

Contains horror elements: blood, psychosis, alcoholism, and the most disturbing horror of all: scope creep.


  • Click to move The Dog
  • Right click to bark
  • WASD to move The Monk
  • Q to interact as The Monk
  • E to interact as The Dog
  • Esc for the pause menu


Are you stuck on a puzzle but want to see the rest of the game? Check out the walkthrough here

Post Jam submission changes:

2023/05/02 Updated the credits page


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great stuff