Ride snowmobiles, battle eldritch horrors, fall for your co-workers, and shepherd stubborn Reindeer in a frozen wasteland.

Contains mild swearing.


Art, dev,  design,  writing & audio by Finn Brightwell.

Additional voice work and playtesting by Sarah Quinn


  • left click to shoot
  • x to interact/mount/dismount
  • wasd or arrows to move
  • Esc to pause/see menu


Deer can be stubborn - have you tried physically pushing them?

The pause menu has options for resetting a level and muting one of the more irritating sounds.

The first stage is pretty slow but the pace increases quickly.


12/01/2023 - Added a WebGL version, includes a bugfix to show some text cropped off screen and a fix to some sound effects not playing.


North 78.zip 57 MB

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